Dear Everyone Who Reads This...
Not that if you don't read this you're not dear but it only matters if you read it that you're dear cos if you don't read it then you won't know anything about it whether you're dear or not...
Oh and if you happen to be a deer then please send us pictures of your hooves if that's what the things on the end of your legs are called cos I'm not totally sure!
Anyway we had a special request from one of the Foot, Paw and Fin competition entrants for Emma and I to add our feet and paws - just to make sure nobody is confused you'll see her feet and my paws cos she doesn't have paws and I don't have feet.
Also to make it clear we are not entering our own cmpetition - this is just in response to a request and to demonstrate how much fun it can actually be to take photos of your paws and feet or whatever else you have, although I'm not sure you can actually 'see' what fun we had but I assure you we did!
Anyway here and there they are...
Love and licks and sniffs, Ted and Emma XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX
The Blogs of Ted Terrier © 2009 by Emma Knight
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