Me and my human sister Emma want to wish you all the very best you can have for 2014 in whatever you do in your lives and to be very happy and healthy and have exciting fun things happen and whatever other things need to happen for things to be very good for you in the next 365 days that are now coming along.
I have written some new year resolutions - Emma is typing this for us so she has the correct spelling and also the writing is better cos it's her typing it, tho if she was hand-writing it it wouldn't be much better than what I wrote cos she has bad handwriting - and maybe I've actually done quite well with my paws after all! Hm she is looking grumpy - probably cos of what I said about her writing - and saying I definitely won't stick to the first one, but I will cos I love cats it's just that I love to do things with them that I think are play but they don't think that they are, and I'm rough and tough about it.