Dear Dog Friends and Companions, I just heard - well actually I heard a while ago but as usual had to wait for Emma to come to type my thoughts about it - that the Obama's Special Advisor Dog in The White House will be a Portuguese Water Dog and they will call him Bo. I was very disappointed at first - why not a JRT cos we are so good at everything and I thought they made a mistake - but it seems that one of the young humans he is looking after is allergic to dogs - which means that whenever she (the human girl) is near him (the dog) she sneezes and feels ill which isn't a very desirable thing to happen cos then they're not happy companions cos friends don't make each other ill, or at least if they do it's not very good really - and Bo is hypoallergenic, which means that he doesn't make her allergic. I understand this sort of thing cos Emma is allergic and would normally be allergic to me and Yorky cos we wear fur and that's one of the things that makes her allergic, but she says her level of allergicness is controlled by tablets she swallows and drugs she breathes in with her nose, but it would seem that Malia Obama is more allergic or that she doesn't have drugs. Anyway whichever it is Bo is also a gift and so that's probably another reason why he was accepted cos it's not nice to reject a gift. He may not be as intelligent as me but he will be useful cos he likes water and catching fish - I hope they like to eat fish!! And they are calling him Bo! 'The face of Bo, they called me' said Captain Jack to The Doctor and Martha. That made them think that he was the character called The Face of Boe. Actually, as Emma says we're not very sure about the spelling cos we think the face of Boe had an e rather than just Bo, but we also thought that Captain Jack would be The Face of Beau cos that means beautiful in French and we both think he is. Anyway, given that this dog has the face of Bo, then maybe he will be very brave and live for a long time and serve everyone very well. Good Luck Bo and remember to contact me, Ted, any time for advice on supporting humans. Love and Licks, Ted and Emma XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX |
Well, all this business about alergies is funny! I never had alergies in the past. Since about three years ago I'm developing hay fever. I hate it, because it makes you feel very uncomfortable and you don't one to go out to the park. And, do know how nice it's to go out for ice cream in the park?
I don't know how Obama's family dog looks like. Maybe you could put a photo of him in your blog. In fact, what about having photos in you blog?
Sheila xx
Hi Sheila,
So sorry you have hayfever now when you didn't have it before. All humans seem to be getting more allergies these days and that's cos the air is getting worse too I think. It's all very depressing but I am sure Bo can help the Obamas work hard to sort it all out in the world cos he is a hypoallergenic dog and so a role model against allergies.
Hm photos yes that's a good idea if Emma can work out how to do it! She says maybe you know, Sheila? There's a picture of me done by a very lovely Spanish man we know. We will find photos of Bo and see if we can add them and others of me!
Licks with love, Ted and Emma XX
What a cutie!!! I'd like to have a Ted and a Bo!!!
Sheila xx
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