Wednesday, 15 January 2025




Greetings and Woofs to All Humans, and Other Animals, and Birds, and Reptiles, and Fish, and Insects and any other creature who is trying to live on Planet Earth. This is Ted Terrier, and his Human Mum, Jane, calling you from the Rainbow Bridge – or from the other side of it if it had sides, which it doesn’t, but if it did then Earth is one side, and we are on the other, but really we are all around and everywhere – especially when I do my whirly dances to say Hi – which I do whenever anyone arrives at the Rainbow Bridge, so I am very busy and I am doing it all the time, but that’s not why I am barking out to you all now. Me and Jane want to try to stop all you beautiful beings coming to the Rainbow Bridge before your time – which means the time you are supposed to – which if you are a human is when you are ‘three score years and ten’ years old, which means three lots of twenty and then another 10, which makes seventy, but many humans live on earth much more than that these days – except they won’t if the earth keeps getting more and more unwell as it is doing right now. That will mean that everyone trying to live on it will live a lot less than they are supposed to, cos, as my human Mum says, ‘They will get boiled alive’, or ‘Drowned to death’, or get caught in a ‘Very blustery day’ – which is Jane quoting Winnie-the-Pooh Bear – and then get bashed around or blown far, far away, and land in a ‘not very nice fashion’ and then get killed that way. The really sad thing is that humans are doing this to themselves and every other being on Earth, cos of their muddled thinking – which is the thinking they have, and which I have written about before that means they have too much intelligence, and so they have chosen to do really ‘not very sensible’ things, that mean the weather has gone completely crazy and is not doing what it is supposed to do, and is the thing that humans call ‘Climate Change’, and that is also partly why it started to rain in Emma’s Renault Clio car, which used to be Jane’s Clio. Though that was also cos of more added muddled thinking from Emma, who didn’t get the top of it fixed, which is called the sun-roof, and was supposed to just let sun in, but also now lets rain in, and anything else in through all the holes in the top of the car. The poor car has also had crazy muddled thinking – not of the human kind – but the kind where it has kept telling Emma things were wrong with it, when they weren’t, and so she has learned to ignore it telling her when things were wrong with it, which then increasingly made it not very safe to travel in, but Emma ignored that cos she felt sentimental about it cos it used to be mine and Jane’s taxi service when we were still on earth living with Emma and Peter, before 2015. Jane and I understand how much she loves us and misses us and feels silly sentimental cos she has lots of feelings, which make her a bit mental – and Jane is now laughing and saying that’s not what it means, but, apparently, I have ‘got the gist’. That sounds very painful, but I am not hurting so maybe it’s not painful. Maybe a gist is just another being, who needs saving. But, as usual, my thinking has gone all over the place, and ‘off at tangents’ – which are lines in all different directions – but the line I am trying to come to, and tell you about, is that Jane and I got very worried about Emma trusting a poor car, which had got increasingly disabled – which means not able – and might ‘collapse in a heap at any moment’ and ‘deposit her’ somewhere very unsafe and then she’d join us before her time, which we don’t want her to do, cos we want her to live five score years and ten, so long as she is still happy living! So, I asked Jane, how do we stop Emma’s silly sentiments about the Clio, cos Jane and I also need it again for a higher purpose, which I’ll tell you all about in a minute, or two, or three, or more, or whenever I eventually get to it. So Jane said we need to get a message to her through the Clio, but we need to do it in a way that will be bad enough that she will get it, but not so bad that she is hurt. So, we told the Clio – in the same way as I used to communicate with Emma sitting next to her on the sofa, and in the same way as Jane and I communicate now – so I looked down and focused very hard on the message Jane had given me which was to ‘come to a grinding halt and refuse to move, but only when it won’t be too dangerous’. Hm, well, yes, cars only have the amount of intelligence that humans put into them, and that’s not very much at all, so I had to look after the bit where it happens when it’s not going to be too dangerous. Emma and Clio were driving on a ‘slip road’ – which isn’t a road that is slippery so you fall over, but is a road that gets you onto a motorway – which is a road where people ‘motor along’, which means go very fast indeed, though it’s the cars doing the motoring not the people in them, but motoring was not happening, instead everyone was going at ‘snail’s pace’ – which wasn’t cos they were riding snails, but cos the road was blocked by a lorry, that had fallen over, but not cos it was on a slippery road. Jane and I saw what was happening and she said ‘Do it now, Teddy!’ So, I screwed up my eyes for extra effort and thought very hard at the Clio, and she stopped, and blew out steam and smoke from under her lid! I pulled a face and barked at Jane, but she said we have to trust her, and for once she didn’t actually tell Emma the wrong thing, she said ‘That’s it, no more’, which is what I’d told her to say and Emma heard it 😊 (They did get saved by an double A man, who was not a battery but a car fixer, but who told Emma Clio was safe to drive home after he fixed her, but the message still came across loud and clear and that was the last trip on earth. And another man on the phone who told the double A man to go and help had been told that there were ‘issues’ so he asked Emma what were the issues, and she was confused and asked him back if he meant the car or her, and he said her, and so she told him what she thought he had been told the issues were with her, but she was confused cos the car had many issues too, that she knew about, but had got used to.)

There are all sorts of ways and things humans are doing that are hurting the ‘environment’ – which means the air, or water, or earth, and the ‘stuff’ – an Emma word that means, well, ‘stuff’! - that are around the beings and that they need to live in their homes on Earth. Much of whatever humans are doing is affecting the ‘ozone layer’ – which is a film of ‘stuff’ (‘No, Emma, be sensible please’, says Jane – that is like a blanket (me&Emma) or ‘delicate silk scarf’ (Jane) that wraps around the entire planet and, like the sun-roof on the Clio – stops anything from getting in or out, but what has happened with the ‘not very sensible’ choices humans have made, is that the silk scarf has holes in it. And just like the Clio that means that the earth is increasingly unsafe for the life on it. Humans are also taking away the homes of all the wild animals – which means anybody who does not live with a human and is not called a ‘pet’ and who gets their own food or water without human help. The trouble is humans are not helping cos they are cutting down trees – which the earth and living beings on it need to breathe – and taking away grasslands or waterways, and other places that many living beings call home, cos it is their home. Humans are filling in the holes between their own homes, so they can live more, but it means others live less, which isn’t very fair, but also doesn’t work very well cos we all need each other. Mostly humans don’t mean to be unkind – though sadly some do – it’s just they haven’t thought about what they are doing, or if they have or are told that what they are doing is wrong, they still do it cos they think it’s not right. In fact that most sensible humans often get ignored by others whose muddled thinking tells them they know better even if they don’t know anything at all.

Just like anybody who takes that journey to the Rainbow Bridge, when you get there all your illnesses and disabilities go away and you are free and fully able to do all sorts of things – you are out of your body, while still sort of being in your body and free to go anywhere. Without fully knowing what she was doing, Emma took the decision to send the Clio to the Rainbow Bridge. On Earth that means she goes to rest in peace and pieces in a scrap yard, but what it is going to mean is that she comes to me and Jane and we can take her on journeys again. She will be fine cos here anybody is fine. And she is answering our calling or woofing to help us take the wildlife who have lost their homes to new homes. It’s not that it’s their time to go to the Rainbow Bridge, but cos we can be anywhere and everywhere, we can take them anywhere and everywhere to find good and safe new homes.  I used to love journeying in the Clio, either asleep and dreaming on the back seat, or next to Emma in the front passenger seat and watching through the windows, or even with windows open and the wind in my fur and ears. I’m so excited to be now going to drive her, with Jane as my co-pilot, and take our passengers to new homes. The Clio will be a taxi again – forever free.


Love and licks, Ted XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

To read more stories like this one please visit my blog or you can get my book The Journal of Ted Terrier from any amazon website: at .com or at I am also at

The Blog of Ted Terrier © 2024 by Emma Knight

Monday, 13 January 2025


 It was the day before ten years ago today on earth, which means that it was 12th January 2015 if you need to know that – and on earth cos time isn't time where I am now and it doesn't go in straight lines or any lines and we don’t need to know what time it is - and Emma was driving in her Clio car - which was my taxi many times – which just means I sat or lay or jumped around in it a lot to go places – and Emma was on her way to my home, and somewhere – it doesn’t matter where – on the way she felt like her hip was taking itself out, but thankfully it didn’t then… So, Emma was coming to my home cos I was very not well, and she wanted to take me to my vet to see if Vet Nicky could make me better, though Emma said she knew what would happen, but she didn’t tell me, but she was not very happy about it, but she had had to leave her human companion who was also very not well, but I had to have priority, which just means that my not well was worse than his not well. And Emma had a not well too, cos she had just had yet another metal hip put in and it had not fixed itself properly yet, but we’ll come to that later, even though I’ve said it earlier too. So, Emma arrived at my home, and I tried to greet her with my whirly dance, but nothing would whirl cos my back legs had stopped working, so I got myself as close to the door as I could and thought my whirly dance, and she knew that was what it was, and somehow, even though she had to stand on long metal poles cos of her hip, she managed to pick me up into her arms and we had the longest cuddle, which was our last longest cuddle in the fur and flesh.

Then that night we went to bed – well, Emma went to her bed, and Peter carried me to his bed – and, I can feel Emma getting upset now and I want to tell her it’s all ok, but we are getting to the very difficult bit of this story, but we’ve never told it, and I think maybe it’s time to, even though time doesn’t matter, and I want to tell it cos there is a happy ending that Emma can only imagine, but doesn’t know about, and she needs to know about it. So, I will keep thinking to her and she’ll keep typing what I think. So, I know she had plans for the day we would have together the next day – she’s crying again – and though she doesn’t know I know, she is right that it would have been really lovely and really special, full of cosy cuddles and ‘I love yous’, but it’s all ok cos we had done that many, many, and many again times together, and those times and those feelings don’t go away. So, what happened was that Peter got up and went out, and then it was me and Jane – she was in her bedroom – so we were all in different bedrooms – and then, Emma you have to tell them this bit. ‘Oh no, I can’t. I can’t see the screen, Teddy! Right, so what you need me to say is that I had recently had my hip re-replaced. As others who have had the same operation will know there were precautions you need to take to prevent dislocation. Yet, my mind was totally on you and our day together, dear Teddy, so I forgot all about that and lifted my left leg over my right to put my slipper on… so CRUNCH and OUCH! Hip out of socket, and as I later discovered, I’d also broken my femur… Back to you, Teddy?’ Yes, that part I couldn’t tell cos I didn’t see it. You shouted and I barked, but Jane couldn’t hear, so she didn’t know either and even if she did she couldn’t do anything cos her legs didn’t work too. The next I did see and hear was humans I didn’t know coming into the house, and I couldn’t do my whirly dance to greet them cos I couldn’t even get off Peter’s bed, and I barked to say ‘Hello’, but they didn’t come and see me. ‘No, they came to see me and try to put my hip back in, but they couldn’t, so they had to take me to hospital’. And they didn’t bring you to me. ‘No, they didn’t bring me to you, and I didn’t know I wouldn’t be back to be able to see you again before…’ And, I was barking cos I wanted to be with you and I didn’t want them to take you away. ‘Oh, Teddy, this is so painful, I can’t bear it.’ But, no, it’s ok, cos I’m ok, and I was ok in the end and that’s what I am trying to tell you, it was all ok, in the end. Can I say it? ‘Ok, say it.’ So, I didn’t know you wouldn’t come back and I didn’t know when Peter took me for a ride in his car, that I wouldn’t come back either. But, I didn’t need to come back cos I haven’t really gone anywhere cos I am still here with you, as you know, cos I can say it to you and you can hear me and feel me. ‘Did it hurt, Teddy?’ Nothing hurt. Peter carried me in and Nicky wasn’t there. ‘She had a cold’. I didn’t know that. ‘She felt so bad not to be there for you.’ Just like you did too, but it’s ok, I know you both loved me, and Peter was very good with me stroking me and telling me I was a ‘Good Boy’, and man vet gave me warm feelings and then I fell asleep…. And I didn’t wake up…. And then I felt lifted up by a large red round thing. ‘Mum was right, your Babybel balloon!’ And I taste Babybel always but not need to eat them…  And then I saw a bridge with many colours… and ever so many dogs and humans were there… and I could do my whirly dance again, and I could fly here, there and everywhere, and be ready for when Mummy Jane joined me here. ‘You were and are her guide.’ Yes, and now we are The Clio’s guides… but that’s a story to come another earth time. ‘Even though it’s already happened that the Clio’s gone. Are you all ok? Mum?’ Yes, we’re all fine and feel good and free and I can’t stop whirling. ‘Like your puppy-self!’ And ready for different kinds of adventures…


Love and licks, Ted XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

To read more stories like this one please visit my blog or you can get my book The Journal of Ted Terrier from any amazon website: at .com or at I am also at

The Blog of Ted Terrier © 2025 by Emma Knight

Friday, 9 August 2024



My human mum, Jane and my human sister, Emma both love watching the Olympics, which is something that happens every four years, and the humans from different countries all over the world go to one place in the world and do games against each other to see which of them can do the game the best, and the one who is best gets a gold medal, and the one after that gets a silver medal, and then the one after that a bronze medal, but anyone who comes after that gets nothing, but hopefully has had fun doing the game anyway, and they all are proud to do the game for their country.

In a legend – which means a story from some time ago that may or may not be true – a man called Heracles – who had a dad who was a god (not a dog) called Zeus, and a mum who was a human called Alcmene, started the games in Ancient Greece, which was still the country Greece, but when it was in ancient times, which means a very long time ago. Emma says she thought it first happened, when someone had to run from one place to another that was a marathon run away – which means a bit over 42,000 metres – to give someone else a message, which then may have been on a scroll or maybe even a piece of stone if it was very long ago – and that’s why humans now do marathon runs and that was the first game, when it wasn’t a game, but was important, cos something serious had to be told to someone. But that may be true, though it’s not a legend, cos as far as I know, Emma is the only one who has said it, and she didn’t start saying it a very long time ago, which would make it a legend. Emma might be getting her stories mixed up cos she is a human and all humans have muddled thinking and there is a true story that says a human cook, called Coroebus, did a ‘footrace’, which means a race on his feet, which may mean a race that’s fast cos you are running, or slower cos you are walking, but has been reported by humans who may have forgotten to say what it means in ancient times, who may or may not have been ancient in age humans, but he did 192 metres and was the first and only person to win a game at the Olympics in 776BC, which is the first time humans wrote down what happened, and when there was only one game. It was called the Olympics cos it happened in a place called Olympia. And since that time humans have made a lot of different games to try against each other to see who is the best at each of them. I wonder if Coroebus had to do the footrace cos he had made someone some dinner and that person was waiting for it, so he ran to give it to them, and that’s when the humans thought that has to be the first game we play. A game that involves giving someone their dinner sounds a lot of fun.

I made up games to play with my humans, and I taught them how to do them. We all had a lot of fun playing them. The humans had to do one thing and I did another thing, and it only worked if they did their thing right – I always did my thing right for me, but may have changed it to make them think more about it, which may have got them even more into muddled thinking. One of the games, I went out of one door, ran around, and barked at another door to be let in. That made my humans laugh once they worked out where I had gone, and so I laughed too, cos it’s a lot of fun laughing together. In another game, they put up a gate at the bottom of the stairs, making a high jump, that was much too high for me to jump over, but I made up the game in a different way, and waited til one of them was going up the stairs and ran past them to get to the top first, and arrive in Jane’s room with my tail wagging a lot, and usually Emma running up after me, cos I played it with her most, and then all three of us would laugh at what had happened. The prize for that game was a Babybel Cheese given to me by Jane, and I always won it. Sometimes I then had a rest on Jane’s bed, but other times Emma would carry me back down again, and then I waited til it was time to play the game again. One time it went wrong, cos Emma forgot about the game, and I was overexcited and Jane wasn’t upstairs in her room with my Babybel. It started as it usually did with Emma heading to the gate, and me following, and then I did my thing to run past her, and she missed the first stair and tripped over me and dislocated and broke her ankle. Nobody laughed, and I felt very sad, so when Emma got back from having her ankle fixed, I lay on it to heal it, and we both felt very good again. As Emma has just said, sometimes things go wrong, and it’s nobody’s fault, and then those playing the games get hurt, and that often happens in the Olympic games too. When Emma couldn’t play, I’d play with other humans. I used to do it too when I was a cat. One of my games then was to get my human dad Peter to give me food. It was quite a challenging game for me, as he just wanted to get his coffee. Really, I was supposed to wait for Emma to come to give me food, but I liked the challenge of getting Peter to do it, so I’d lift my front paws up to the top of his pyjamas and pull them down! He then fed me very fast! I also learned to open Emma’s bedroom door, to wake her up, so she could give me a strokes or food or play games.

I think food is the best reward rather than a metal medal, but when I told Emma I was thinking of entering the Dogolympics cos I know Jane and Emma would enjoy watching me, and it’s the same as the human one, but dogs play it instead, she said ‘Are you going for gold, Ted?’, I said, ‘No, I’m going for a Babybel’, and she said, ‘Well, what colour is a Babybel, Ted, on the inside’, and I grinned cos I understood what she meant, and so I decided to go for a Golden Babybel.

The Dogolympics happens when it isn’t so hot in the place that everydog has to go to play the games in. That is because we are all wearing fur coats, so it would be very difficult for us to play a lot with all our energy so that we could win, which would be too dangerous for us with a lot of heat too. The games we play are mostly the same as human ones, so not the dog games played at dog shows. But, like the paralympics where humans who have parts of their bodies missing or not working as well as for someone who is fully able, there are adaptations – which just means equipment we need to use is changed so we can do the game with it. Next thing was to choose which game to do. As I was thinking about it, I watched Emma and Jane watching the Olympics on TV. The game started with humans jumping into the river and swimming. There was a lot of water splashing around, and I could see Jane’s lips moving around and she looked as though she was trying to stop them. The same thing was happening to Emma, then as soon as the first person tried running out of the water to their bicycle, she couldn’t stop herself, and she started laughing, and then so did Jane, and then so did I, and then I thought that’s the game I have to play, cos laughing is the most important part of playing a game, unless you win, when the Babybel Cheese is the most important part. The last thing the people playing had to do was run, and I’m very good at that. So, I did a lot of practising and became a Tridoglete, which means a dog who does swimming, then cycling, then running. The swimming bit is fine, and so is the running, but the adaptation for me was a tricycle, instead of a bicycle, so my cycle has three wheels instead of two. The part of it that humans would hold with their hands is low so my front paws can reach, and the things that move the wheels around, also near the ground so my back paws can reach. This year the Olympics, Paralympics and Dogolympics are all in Paris. We dogletes had to wait til it was cooler and both tridogletes and triathletes had to wait til there weren’t lots of things in the river that would make us unwell if we swallowed them, which can happen when you’re splashing around, especially if you are doing doggy paddle which makes water splash around even more.

When I did my tridogleting, my thinking was going all round about making sure I don’t drink too much of the water, but paddle fast through it, do my shaking off the water quick as I get onto my bike, and get my helmet on so if I fall off I don’t hurt my head, then make sure I run so fast I fly along, and all that time my humans laughing as they watch, and other humans clapping and cheering ‘Let’s go, Teddy, Let’s go!’ and being given a gold medal at the end that would be a Babybel Cheese. I was just thinking about that all along and not looking at other tridogletes. Emma was there as my trainer, and I was thinking about Jane’s lips trembling watching me on TV as I did the swimming, and laughing as I did the shaking, and the biking, and then me bounding along my legs going as fast as I could make them, and I closed my eyes and imagined my human mum’s biggest smile and my tail wagging ‘nineteen to the dozen’ as she would say, and as I crossed the line, I opened my eyes and there was Mummy Jane, laughing and presenting me with my Golden Babybel Cheese! And then I saw all the other tridogletes were behind me and I had got there first, and so I got to stand on the highest podium and get given another Gold Medal with a Babybel inside it by one of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s Corgis. And my humans kept smiling and laughing and saying it was very funny how my ‘little legs went like mad’, and I was so happy I had made them so happy, and they’d watched me right there in person and dog!


Love and licks, Ted XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

To read more stories like this one please visit my blog or you can get my book The Journal of Ted Terrier from any amazon website: at .com or at I am also at

The Blog of Ted Terrier © 2024 by Emma Knight

Monday, 12 September 2022


Queen Elizabeth The Second – she’s the second one cos there was another Elizabeth before her who was Queen, (Queen Elizabeth The First) – sat on the thrown for seventy years – that doesn’t mean she had to sit on a chair for seventy years without moving, which would be difficult for anyone, especially me cos I like to run around a lot, and I think she could do it better than me cos she was good at being still for a long time with a heavy, sparkly, jewelled hat (called a crown) on her head – but what it really means is she was ‘Head of State’ – not in a state but being the person who was reigning – not horses though she loved horses a lot, oh and dogs too – over everybody else in the united kingdom (which isn’t very united at the moment), and some other countries, and she did that for over seventy years.

And everybody celebrated with dancing and singing, and other things which did include horses and dogs – cos she loved them so much which meant she was a very sensible human being with not much muddled thinking – oh and she had tea with Paddington Bear too for the celebrating and he told her, ‘Thank you for everything’ – which we all agree with – and offered her a marmalade sandwich, though she already had one in her handbag, so they ate them together while they watched her Platinum concert. I also had an audience with her – which just means being together – one of you doesn’t have to perform for the other one, though I did and she was very happy about it and then we had a hug.

Queen Elizabeth II (which means second) must have loved hugging with Prince Philip cos he was her husband, the father of her four children and her ‘strength and stay’, so he helped her do her Queening with his strength to hold her up and stayed with her for the seventy-three years they were married and then he stopped cos he died. Though it’s much easier to stay if you’ve died, cos your spirit is with the people you love wherever they are cos you are everywhere. I used to tun everywhere and all over the place, and had a lot of trouble staying, even if I was asked to stay, but I did always go back again to the people I loved more than anyone else, cos I loved all humans.

Queen Elizabeth II lived for eighteen months after Prince Philip died and then she stopped living too on 8th September 2022. Emma – and many other people – was very sad when she died cos she thought of her as her fourth Granny, or should I say Granny The Fourth after Granny The First and Second, who were mums of her parents, Peter and Jane, and then Granny The Third, who was such a kind, lovely person, who treated Emma like family, so Emma adopted her and adopted Elizabeth as Granny The Fourth.

Another person who was very unhappy when Emma’s Granny The Fourth died, was Granny The Fourth’s eldest son, Charles. He was upset cos she was his real mum – not one he’d adopted like Emma – and also cos her dying meant he had to ‘fill her very big shoes’. Emma says that doesn’t mean she had very big feet – yay feet the bigger the better cos they’re my favourite part of a person’s body – and in fact Emma thinks she had small feet – which I know she did cos I licked them in my audience with her – and I did that after chewing her shoes off, which she pretended to be cross about, but she wasn’t really cos she was laughing, and so was I cos I was enjoying myself and she’s a very funny woman and when she smiles, you smile too cos you can’t help it, and when she laugh, you laugh too too.

I think Charles’ feet are bigger than his mum’s, so if she had big shoes, he would do better than her at filling them, but Emma says people say she had big shoes to fill cos Elizabeth did Queening very well, and so to fill her shoes, he has to do Kinging very well. The job of Queening (if you’re a girl) and Kinging (if you’re a boy) means you have to do a lot of going to see people, wave at them, talk to them or have them talk to you, and you have to make them think you’re very interested in what they are saying, but you can’t tell them what you really think – which would be a good thing if you have very muddled thinking – but I think might be a bad thing for Charles cos he does a lot of very sensible thinking, which he used to tell people about sometimes cos he could say it when he was just a Prince. What he said made some people think about what they could do to help stop the earth getting too hot and so make it ok for lots of humans, animals and plants to live on. He had his Trust which supported young people to do amazing things that were good for them and other people. He also said some buildings look like carbuncles, which is not a very pretty thing to look like and so he upset the people who made them – which is not a good thing to upset them, but better if they stop making building looking like carbuncles. Charles thinks alternative medicine is helpful, which I know it is cos I gave Emma alternative medicine for her hip by sitting on it cos it hurt and then it didn’t hurt so much. The King is no longer supposed to do his ’Black Spider Memos’, cos they would show he is political, which he is not allowed to be when he is Kinging, but I don’t know what makes black spiders political, except that Emma is scared of them. Charles talks to plants, which is also very sensible, so I hope he won’t have to stop doing that.

I thought I’d try walking in the shoes cos if you walk in someone’s shoes it means you have empathy for them, and I’m a very empathic dog. Maybe if I also eat them, then he won’t have to do Kinging and so he’ll be happy cos he never really wanted to do Kinging anyway, and I’ll be happy cos then I can lick his feet! I would do that with ‘loyalty, respect and love' just like he has promised to do his Kinging for everybody.


Love and licks, Ted XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

To read more stories like this one please visit my blog or you can get my book The Journal of Ted Terrier from any amazon website: at .com or at I am also at

The Blog of Ted Terrier © 2022 by Emma Knight

Art by Sue Mynall

Monday, 14 February 2022

Ted Terrier... By Royal Appointment

Ted Terrier... By Royal Appointment by Sue Mynall 💓 😊 XOX

Look who requested the pleasure of my company to be her Valentine on the 70th year of her sitting on her throne! And the Corgis made me feel very welcome too!

Love and licks, Ted XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX
To read more stories like this one please visit my blog or you can get my book The Journal of Ted Terrier from any amazon website: at .com or at I am also at
The Blog of Ted Terrier © 2022 by Emma Knight

Monday, 18 January 2021


 Dear Humans,

I had the best dream last night cos I developed a super power to save the lives of all humans from coronavirus! I was legged (like humans are armed) with syringe in paw with the special vaccine that goes into human's arms and then makes them grow antibodies - which attach to the virus when it gets inside and that's how it blocks the virus - and then makes them produce lots of T-cells which are like soldiers that kill any poor cells that have been hurt by the virus and so could hurt other cells.

There are some humans with a sort of muddled thinking that makes them not want to have the vaccine who are called anti-vaxxers. They believe all sort of wrong things about what is put in the vaccine or what it might do to you. You may get 'symptoms' of whatever illness the virus might give you when you have the vaccine but that does not mean you actually have the illness so it is safe in that way. Some also think that it is only made cos people who make drugs want to make money and of course they do want to make money but one of the vaccines has been produced as 'not for profit' cos lives are more important than money. Some think vaccines cause other problems for humans - like autism - but that's not right and autism isn't bad anyway. Sadly many have decided not to trust scientists which is very sad cos scientists work hard to find out as much as possible about coronavirus - and other things - and finding out those things means you can be more in control of it and have lives that are 'back to normal' so you can hug each other again - cos as much as you love hugging us and we you, you really miss hugging each other. Some think being given the vaccine takes away their human rights but by being vaccinated humans can get back their rights that the virus has stopped them having like not being able to safely be near each other without getting very unwell and maybe dying. Others think that the vaccine has a little chip - not the kind made of potato - in it which watches everything you are doing and reports that to somebody - it does not - and even if it did that might be good if you got lost or stolen like we dogs when our chip can get us back to our humans.

The vaccines are all safe which has been shown by lots of testing and cos they don't do any of the things that anti-vaxxers worry about.

Please I want my dream to come true and to vaccinate all of you!

Love from a stick-long distance and licks dogs to humans but not humans to humans, Emma and Ted XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX
To read my other stories please visit my blog or you can get my books, The Journal of Ted Terrier, The Second Journal of Ted Terrier and The Third Journal of Ted Terrier – with different pictures and stories - from any amazon website: (First One in Colour) at .com or (First One in Colour), (Second One) and (Third One) at or read about it as well as other dog books at…/11/26/the-journal-of-ted-terr…/ .
The Blog of Ted Terrier © 2021 by Emma Knight
Art by Sue Mynall

Saturday, 9 January 2021


 Our dear Sue Mynall made me this lovely mask to wear :)

Humans please get something to cover your faces when you are inside near any other human... it can be made out of any cloth and as you can see can have something you really like on it...
Also wash your hands...
And keep 2 metres space between you...

Coronavirus is getting to a lot of humans and is making some very unwell and so sadly some also die...

Love from a stick-long distance and licks dogs to humans but not humans to humans, Emma and Ted XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX
To read my other stories please visit my blog or you can get my books, The Journal of Ted Terrier, The Second Journal of Ted Terrier and The Third Journal of Ted Terrier – with different pictures and stories - from any amazon website: (First One in Colour) at .com or (First One in Colour), (Second One) and (Third One) at or read about it as well as other dog books at…/11/26/the-journal-of-ted-terr…/ .
The Blog of Ted Terrier © 2021 by Emma Knight
Art by Sue Mynall