Wednesday, 15 January 2025




Greetings and Woofs to All Humans, and Other Animals, and Birds, and Reptiles, and Fish, and Insects and any other creature who is trying to live on Planet Earth. This is Ted Terrier, and his Human Mum, Jane, calling you from the Rainbow Bridge – or from the other side of it if it had sides, which it doesn’t, but if it did then Earth is one side, and we are on the other, but really we are all around and everywhere – especially when I do my whirly dances to say Hi – which I do whenever anyone arrives at the Rainbow Bridge, so I am very busy and I am doing it all the time, but that’s not why I am barking out to you all now. Me and Jane want to try to stop all you beautiful beings coming to the Rainbow Bridge before your time – which means the time you are supposed to – which if you are a human is when you are ‘three score years and ten’ years old, which means three lots of twenty and then another 10, which makes seventy, but many humans live on earth much more than that these days – except they won’t if the earth keeps getting more and more unwell as it is doing right now. That will mean that everyone trying to live on it will live a lot less than they are supposed to, cos, as my human Mum says, ‘They will get boiled alive’, or ‘Drowned to death’, or get caught in a ‘Very blustery day’ – which is Jane quoting Winnie-the-Pooh Bear – and then get bashed around or blown far, far away, and land in a ‘not very nice fashion’ and then get killed that way. The really sad thing is that humans are doing this to themselves and every other being on Earth, cos of their muddled thinking – which is the thinking they have, and which I have written about before that means they have too much intelligence, and so they have chosen to do really ‘not very sensible’ things, that mean the weather has gone completely crazy and is not doing what it is supposed to do, and is the thing that humans call ‘Climate Change’, and that is also partly why it started to rain in Emma’s Renault Clio car, which used to be Jane’s Clio. Though that was also cos of more added muddled thinking from Emma, who didn’t get the top of it fixed, which is called the sun-roof, and was supposed to just let sun in, but also now lets rain in, and anything else in through all the holes in the top of the car. The poor car has also had crazy muddled thinking – not of the human kind – but the kind where it has kept telling Emma things were wrong with it, when they weren’t, and so she has learned to ignore it telling her when things were wrong with it, which then increasingly made it not very safe to travel in, but Emma ignored that cos she felt sentimental about it cos it used to be mine and Jane’s taxi service when we were still on earth living with Emma and Peter, before 2015. Jane and I understand how much she loves us and misses us and feels silly sentimental cos she has lots of feelings, which make her a bit mental – and Jane is now laughing and saying that’s not what it means, but, apparently, I have ‘got the gist’. That sounds very painful, but I am not hurting so maybe it’s not painful. Maybe a gist is just another being, who needs saving. But, as usual, my thinking has gone all over the place, and ‘off at tangents’ – which are lines in all different directions – but the line I am trying to come to, and tell you about, is that Jane and I got very worried about Emma trusting a poor car, which had got increasingly disabled – which means not able – and might ‘collapse in a heap at any moment’ and ‘deposit her’ somewhere very unsafe and then she’d join us before her time, which we don’t want her to do, cos we want her to live five score years and ten, so long as she is still happy living! So, I asked Jane, how do we stop Emma’s silly sentiments about the Clio, cos Jane and I also need it again for a higher purpose, which I’ll tell you all about in a minute, or two, or three, or more, or whenever I eventually get to it. So Jane said we need to get a message to her through the Clio, but we need to do it in a way that will be bad enough that she will get it, but not so bad that she is hurt. So, we told the Clio – in the same way as I used to communicate with Emma sitting next to her on the sofa, and in the same way as Jane and I communicate now – so I looked down and focused very hard on the message Jane had given me which was to ‘come to a grinding halt and refuse to move, but only when it won’t be too dangerous’. Hm, well, yes, cars only have the amount of intelligence that humans put into them, and that’s not very much at all, so I had to look after the bit where it happens when it’s not going to be too dangerous. Emma and Clio were driving on a ‘slip road’ – which isn’t a road that is slippery so you fall over, but is a road that gets you onto a motorway – which is a road where people ‘motor along’, which means go very fast indeed, though it’s the cars doing the motoring not the people in them, but motoring was not happening, instead everyone was going at ‘snail’s pace’ – which wasn’t cos they were riding snails, but cos the road was blocked by a lorry, that had fallen over, but not cos it was on a slippery road. Jane and I saw what was happening and she said ‘Do it now, Teddy!’ So, I screwed up my eyes for extra effort and thought very hard at the Clio, and she stopped, and blew out steam and smoke from under her lid! I pulled a face and barked at Jane, but she said we have to trust her, and for once she didn’t actually tell Emma the wrong thing, she said ‘That’s it, no more’, which is what I’d told her to say and Emma heard it 😊 (They did get saved by an double A man, who was not a battery but a car fixer, but who told Emma Clio was safe to drive home after he fixed her, but the message still came across loud and clear and that was the last trip on earth. And another man on the phone who told the double A man to go and help had been told that there were ‘issues’ so he asked Emma what were the issues, and she was confused and asked him back if he meant the car or her, and he said her, and so she told him what she thought he had been told the issues were with her, but she was confused cos the car had many issues too, that she knew about, but had got used to.)

There are all sorts of ways and things humans are doing that are hurting the ‘environment’ – which means the air, or water, or earth, and the ‘stuff’ – an Emma word that means, well, ‘stuff’! - that are around the beings and that they need to live in their homes on Earth. Much of whatever humans are doing is affecting the ‘ozone layer’ – which is a film of ‘stuff’ (‘No, Emma, be sensible please’, says Jane – that is like a blanket (me&Emma) or ‘delicate silk scarf’ (Jane) that wraps around the entire planet and, like the sun-roof on the Clio – stops anything from getting in or out, but what has happened with the ‘not very sensible’ choices humans have made, is that the silk scarf has holes in it. And just like the Clio that means that the earth is increasingly unsafe for the life on it. Humans are also taking away the homes of all the wild animals – which means anybody who does not live with a human and is not called a ‘pet’ and who gets their own food or water without human help. The trouble is humans are not helping cos they are cutting down trees – which the earth and living beings on it need to breathe – and taking away grasslands or waterways, and other places that many living beings call home, cos it is their home. Humans are filling in the holes between their own homes, so they can live more, but it means others live less, which isn’t very fair, but also doesn’t work very well cos we all need each other. Mostly humans don’t mean to be unkind – though sadly some do – it’s just they haven’t thought about what they are doing, or if they have or are told that what they are doing is wrong, they still do it cos they think it’s not right. In fact that most sensible humans often get ignored by others whose muddled thinking tells them they know better even if they don’t know anything at all.

Just like anybody who takes that journey to the Rainbow Bridge, when you get there all your illnesses and disabilities go away and you are free and fully able to do all sorts of things – you are out of your body, while still sort of being in your body and free to go anywhere. Without fully knowing what she was doing, Emma took the decision to send the Clio to the Rainbow Bridge. On Earth that means she goes to rest in peace and pieces in a scrap yard, but what it is going to mean is that she comes to me and Jane and we can take her on journeys again. She will be fine cos here anybody is fine. And she is answering our calling or woofing to help us take the wildlife who have lost their homes to new homes. It’s not that it’s their time to go to the Rainbow Bridge, but cos we can be anywhere and everywhere, we can take them anywhere and everywhere to find good and safe new homes.  I used to love journeying in the Clio, either asleep and dreaming on the back seat, or next to Emma in the front passenger seat and watching through the windows, or even with windows open and the wind in my fur and ears. I’m so excited to be now going to drive her, with Jane as my co-pilot, and take our passengers to new homes. The Clio will be a taxi again – forever free.


Love and licks, Ted XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

To read more stories like this one please visit my blog or you can get my book The Journal of Ted Terrier from any amazon website: at .com or at I am also at

The Blog of Ted Terrier © 2024 by Emma Knight

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