Saturday, 28 March 2020


Cos too many men and women and children went out in the sun that happened on Sunday - sun does not always happen on Sunday but it was a very sunny Sunday and also the day to show extra love to your mothers - and didn't stay a long human being apart from each other - they have all now been told to go to their rooms in their homes and stay there for at least three weeks. Also cos they were also going into shops and standing too close to each other, they are now only allowed in shops a few humans at a time, and there are round things on the floors of the shops that sell things that people need to keep living, like food and medicines, and the round things are a long human being apart. Humans have to be told what to do sometimes cos their thinking is muddled. The difficulty is though that they are being told what to do by other humans who might be called 'mad' cos they have even more muddled thinking. Humans let their thinking cover up their feelings sometimes and the more they do that the madder they are. Dogs just feel and then act on those feelings. It's only humans that call dogs mad, but we can't be mad cos our thinking is just the right amount of thinking to behave how we feel. It would be very difficult if dogs had coronavirus and could give it to humans cos all we feel is that we want to be close to and love our humans.
My human Mummy - Jane - would say that sometimes - at this time - love isn't sensible cos now it means it makes someone ill and so you might lose them. She would say she was a 'very silly sort of a person' but she loved others very much even though her muddled thinking sometimes made it very difficult for her to act on her feelings of love.
Other humans' muddled thinking can mean they only think of themselves and they don't mind what happens to other people cos of them doing that. They are called selfish. Dogs can't be selfish cos all they love is their humans. Everything we do is to make them happy and doing that makes them more likely to be well and stay healthy.
Humans please love like dogs but with just enough thinking of humans so you can love at a distance.
You can go out in the sun for walkies away from your home once a day - having one of us with you helps that too - or you can go out in the sun in your garden as many times as you want to - and we will very happily go with you all those times!

Love and licks, Emma and Ted XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX
To read my other stories please visit my blog or you can get my books, The Journal of Ted Terrier, The Second Journal of Ted Terrier and The Third Journal of Ted Terrier – with different pictures and stories - from any amazon website: (First One in Colour) at .com or (First One in Colour), (Second One) and (Third One) at or read about it as well as other dog books at…/11/26/the-journal-of-ted-terr…/ .
The Blog of Ted Terrier © 2020 by Emma Knight
Art by Sue Mynall


PetShrink said...

Sensible advice Ted, and you can also love the humans you are locked up with.

Steve Hume said...

What are the round things on the floors of the shops?

Ted and Emma said...

Thank you again Auntie Linda.
And yes very important to love the humans you are locked up with and also to love those you aren't locked up with but not by going closer to them than a tall human away BOL XOX

Ted and Emma said...

Steve some humans have told me that there are round circles painted on the floors of some shops and humans are supposed to stand on them one human at a time until the queue moves forward when they can go on to the next one. The important thing is that they can't have more than one human on each circle. And yes I know circles are already round, Emma, but I was trying to explain it better BOL ;) XOX